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The game is really nice although it is really early progress, The character animation are good but I would probably suggest more in between the jumps and rolls to make it smooth. I also like the monsters movement, but I feel like they are to easy to kill, perhaps like either they do a punch you need to block or dodge, also the punching feels too slow but I like the the particles. The level design was well done, I like the way you set multiple paths to take and it feels fast and well responding. Last thing which wasn't the best was the double jump which failed many times, if you run and dodge at the same time it doesn't always do a roll and the "a" button move didn't work for me, but that could be my error

It was a fun game and I think that with more work it could be really cool and amazing game to play, keep at it.

Thank you so much for the feedback. What you say is true, it is a  really early progress. We just wanted to put it out as fast as we could, to put it to test and see if could be a nice idea to develop, and  what we hear from you are good news. Still need to rework and updated a coulpe of things, but there are good things that we could use. 

We will add your feedback to the next features and fixes we will add, I too think that the enemies might be a little too easy.

Thanks again!! :D

I really like the level design and the art, it was fun to play.

 The individual animations for the character are great, but I think if you make transitions by blending between animations it will feel even better.  

It takes too long when you move the camera to show the door to be unlocked. Unless you're going to have something interesting happening at the door it's probably unnecessary after the first time, as the player already knows what to do. The animation for using each keys to open the door is also too long especially for the second door with 3 keys.

That's all the feedback I got, hope it helps!

Thank you for the reply. It really helps. You confirm us the need to do some updates for the camera animations and for the character too. 

We will add these changes for our next version